Please see the dates below for future ISAM Certification Examination sittings


ISAM textbook included in Doody Book Reviews database

The Textbook of Addiction Treatment, 2nd ed, has been included in Doody’s Book Reviews Database, and it has been classified as a 4 stars title (score 96/100!) on the basis of the review made by  Daniel Tuinstra,  MD  (Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services).

Doody’s Review Service, to which Springer submits all its publications in medicine and biomedicine,  features the Web’s most comprehensive database of both print and electronic titles in the health sciences, offering health sciences libraries around the world  timely, expert reviews on the majority of newly published titles.

The inclusion in Doody’s Database will offer an even  greater visibility to the book, and represents a further acknowledgement of its high scientific value.


Application form 2025



Online only: May 31, 2025 and September 15, 2025

Hamburg, Germany: May 25, 2025 (in person only)


  • ISAM’s Certification of Addiction Medicine is a credentialing process that assures the public that the holder has the pre-requisite knowledge competence to practice in that field within the confines of his/her medical license.
  • To meet the needs of an international membership of practicing physicians for standardized, valid and affordable credentialing in addiction medicine
  • The examination is composed of 225 multiple choice questions testing knowledge and some clinical judgment. The exam will take 4 ½ hours and will be administered in two parts (2 hrs 15 min each) with a 15 min health break in between. 
  • Pass requires a minimum of 65% Total Exam Score AND 60% for Each Scale; Must pass a minimum of 7 scales
Content Areas:                                                                                                                           
  1. Science/Clinical Foundations
  2. Drugs of Abuse and Pharmacotherapies
  3. Behavioural Approaches
  4. Systems Components in Treatment
  5. Policies and Training
  6. Behavioral Addictions
  7. Comorbid Medical Disorders
  8. Psychiatric Comorbidities
  9. Special Interest Populations
  10. Children, Adolescents & Young Adults

Specific Knowledge and Skills

The field of Addiction Medicine requires knowledge of pharmacology, psychiatry, general medicine, and psychology, as well as an understanding of the interaction of these disciplines. In order to ensure that the trainee is well-versed in these areas, training programs must include both hands-on experience in clinical situations as well as classroom and seminar sessions.

  1. Recognition of the signs and symptoms of the use of all of the major categories of drugs/psychoactive (mood-altering) substances, including sedatives (alcohol, benzodiazepines, barbiturates), stimulants (cocaine, amphetamine, tobacco), opioids, hallucinogens (marijuana, LSD, PCP) and inhalants (organic solvents, glue)
  2. Recognition of the signs of abuse and dependence on these categories of drugs/substances.
  3. Recognition of the signs of withdrawal from these major categories of drugs and knowledge and experience with the range of options for treatment of the withdrawal syndrome and its complications.
  4. Recognition of the signs and symptoms of overdose and medical and psychiatric sequelae of these major categories of drugs and knowledge of the proper treatment of overdose.
  5. Diagnosis of the medical sequelae of addiction, including hepatic, central nervous system, infectious, and HIV illness.
  6. Recognition of the signs and symptoms of the psychological, social and spiritual problems accompanying the chronic use, abuse and dependence related to the major categories of drugs and knowledge of the range of management options.
  7. Recognition and understanding of the special problems of drug/substance use, abuse and dependence during pregnancy and of the babies born to these mothers.
  8. Recognition and understanding of the special problems of drug/substance use, abuse and dependence in target populations such as children and adolescents, women and seniors.
  9. Recognition, education and appropriate treatment related to behavioral addictions like gambling, sex, internet, work, shopping etc.
  10. Recognition, education and appropriate treatment of adjustment disorders and/or other concurrent illness in individuals and their family members
  1. Exposure in the clinical context to:
    • a) patients with substance-related disorders in a community, out-patient setting
    • b) hospitalized medical and surgical patients with substance-induced disorders and substance use disorders
    • c) psychiatric patients — inpatient or outpatient — with concurrent substance use disorders, specifically – Substance Abuse and Substance Dependence, including alcohol, tobacco and other drugs
    • d) families of above patients suffering from adjustment disorders
  2. Laboratory assessments
    • a) biochemical indicators of chronic alcohol/drug use and their complications
    • b) questionnaire assessments, such as the MAST, AUDIT and CAGE-AID
  1. Knowledge of the evaluation and treatment of abuse of each of these categories of agents:
    • a) depressants like alcohol, benzodiazepines, barbiturates
    • b) opioids
    • c) cocaine and stimulants
    • d) marijuana and hallucinogens
    • e) inhalants like organic solvents, glue
  1. Pharmacology of the aforementioned psychoactive/mood-altering substances
  1. Types of treatment
    • a) detoxification
    • b) medical complications of substance use disorders (including intravenous drug use and its related transmission of infectious diseases like Hepatitis B, C and AIDS)
    • c) rehabilitation models based on 12-step programs and other psycho-social-spiritual, behavioral approaches
    • d) counseling, individual psychotherapy and group psychotherapy
  2. Exposure in the clinical context to the diagnosis and treatment of behavioral addictions


Recommended Textbooks and other basic references

Basic Textbook

Additional References

  • DSM-V TM. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. American Psychiatric Association, Washington DC, 2013.
  • ICD 11. International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems. [ONLY Section on Behavioral & Mental Disorders], Geneva, World Health Organization, 2019. World Health Organization. Neuroscience of psychoactive substance use and dependence. Geneva, 2004.
Eligibility Criteria: 

 This examination is a test of knowledge. While it does not certify clinical skill or competence, it does identify a physician who has demonstrated the degree of knowledge in the diagnosis and treatment of substance and other addictions commensurate with expertise in the field. To enhance access to the examination by an international audience, the following eligibility criteria were recommended:

  1. Graduation from a medical school recognized by the World Health Organization.
  2. A valid license to practice medicine from a licensing jurisdiction (national, regional)
  3. Good standing in medical community evidenced by three letters of recommendation from physicians knowing the applicant for at least two years including, if possible, one current ISAM member.
  4. Documented substantial portion of medical practice over a 3-year continuous period in the addiction field
  5. Completion of a formal university-based one year fellowship in the Addiction Medicine field.


A money order made payable to the International Society of Addiction Medicine for in person exams:

  • $800 US (non-ISAM members)
  • $700 US (ISAM members)
  • $725 US (for members of Affiliate Societies)

For online exams:

  • $1100 US (non-ISAM members)
  • $1200 US (ISAM members)
  • The higher fee is for additional expenses of virtual platform, tech support and virtual proctoring

is to be forwarded along with the application material to:

ISAM c/o 2638 – 30 Street SW, Calgary AB T3E 2M2 Canada

If you prefer to pay online – please go under the EVENTS tab on the home page to REGISTRATION and then ISAM EXAM REGISTRATION The exam fee rates arelisted and paypal is the vehicle for payment but you can pay with a credit card.

Retake fee: $375 US for in person and $500 US for online

PLEASE NOTE: Rejected applications will be refunded minus a $100 US processing fee.


ISAM Certificants

Last name First name Country
Abdel Aziz

Ahmed Fathy Egypt
Abdel Hafez Mohamed Egypt
Abdel Latif Azza Egypt
Abdulmaklik Yosef Tabet Saudi Arabia
Abou Rayan Mamdouh Egypt
Aboud Hussain Canada
Abulmagd Mostafa Egypt
Adikea Chido Donatus Canada
Agha Maurice Canada
Ahamad Keith Canada
Alashram Anwar Saudi Arabia
Albert Ovie Canada
Aldesouki Majid Jordan
Aldridge Oliver UK
Alexinschi Ovidiu Romania
Alharbi Fares Saudi Arabia
Ali Osama Arafa Saudi Arabia
Ali Shaik Fida Canada
Alibrahim Osama Saudi Arabia
Albrahim Sultan Essa Qatar
Aljanadi Eyad Yosuf Saudi Arabia
Aljundi Mohammad Tawfik Saudi Arabia
Alkhalaf Hanoof Saudi Arabia
Almasry Ahmed Egypt
Al-Rahman Hatem Egypt
AlSherhi Ahmed Salim Canada
Al-Shomrani Abdulaziz Saudi Arabia
Alshora Esam Hasan Saudi Arabia
Alshoura Mohammed Egypt
Alvarez de Lorenzana John Canada
Aly Ahmad Egypt
Alzaghari Fariq Iran/Saudi
Amansec Arthur Philippines
Anaba Honest Nigeria
Andrews Rudy Canada
Andrusiak Tara Canada
Arya Sidharth India
Asal Abdul Rahman Saudi Arabia
Attalla Nadar Canada
Attia Reham USA
Awad Maher UK
Awasthi Harshal India
Awe Ayodeji Canada
Azmy Amr Egypt
Bach Paxton USA
Bahji Anees Canada
Bailey Britt-Heidi Canada
Bains Jupinder Canada
Baker Chris Canada
Baker Robert Canada
Balachandra Krishna Canada
Barlow Sandy Canada
Barron Marcus Canada
Barwitzki Gary Canada
Basu Aniruddha India
Bell Justin Canada
Beshara Fawzy Canada
Bezzina Gianluca Malta
Bhad Roshan India
Bhandari Rahul Canada
Birch Corey Canada
Blanch Vincent USA
Bobb Raymond USA
Bordman Joel Canada
Bornemisza Susan Canada
Bouchard Brady Canada
Bouman Helen Canada
Bozinoff Nikki Canada
Braimoh Moses USA
Brar Manmeet Kaur India
Brar Rupinder Canada
Brooks Olivia Canada
Brothers Thomas Canada
Bullock William Canada
Caddy Patricia Canada
Camilleri Moses Malta
Campbell William Canada
Cavilla Benjamin Canada
Chakravarty Subrata Canada
Chan Peter Canada
Chaudhri Arif Canada
Chawla Monica Canada
Chevrier Jesse Canada
Chow Bryan Canada
Chowdhury Muna Canada
Chen Julian Jacky Canada
Clark Kelly USA
Colizza Kate Canada
Colohan Hugh Canada
Cook David Canada
Crawford Anne Canada
Cyr Dave Canada
Daebes Ahmad Egypt
Danilewitz Marlon Canada
Darawish Wasim Canada
Darcy Stephen Canada

Das Debarsi Canada
Das Sourav India
Datema Jason Canada

Davidson Riley Canada
Dearden Madalena Canada
de Kock Hancke Canada
Dhagudu Naveen Kumar India
Dil Pierre Canada
Di Paola Francesca Canada
Donald Delmar Canada
Doran William Canada
Durcan Anne Canada
Du Toit Jacques Canada
Dube Mark Canada
Durnin Maire Canada
EdoHasim Barnabas Chizoro UK
Edye Frances Canada
El Amrosy Tamer Egypt
Elbadawy Nehal Egypt
El-Daghar Manal M Egypt
Elefante Raymond Canada
El-Ghonemy Soheir Egypt
el-Guebaly Nady Canada
Elhabiby Mahmoud Egypt
Elliott Sarah Canada
El-Missiry Ahmed Egypt
Elsayegh Tariq Canada
El-Essawy Mahmoud Egypt
Elsheikh Abdallah Egypt
Emad Merit Egypt
Enaba Dalia Egypt
Englebrecht Roland Canada
Erfan Salwa Egypt
Evans Laura D. Canada
Ezzat Fatma Egypt
Fairbairn Nadia Canada
Fasihy Ellie Canada
Fawzy Rana Egypt
Fawzy Shawket Egypt
Feng Simon USA
Ferris Caroline Canada
Fox Robert Canada
Freedman Joel Canada
Gajjar Alkesh USA
Galang Raymond UK
Gamaleddin Islam Canada
Gawad Tarek Egypt
Gedeon Charlotte Sweden
Ghauri Imran UK
Ghosh Sumantra Monty Canada
Giang Valerie Canada
Gibson Grady Canada
Gill Harbir Canada
Gill Jitender Canada
Glynn-Morris Rodney Canada
Gomaa Maged Egypt
Good Louise Canada
Gracey Janel Canada
Gray Catherine Canada
Groat Brendan Canada
Grover Meera Canada
Gunnthorsdottir Erna Iceland
Gupta Priya Canada
Gursky Lucas Canada
Hackett Cian Canada
Hajela Raju Canada
Haji Aman Canada
Hamdy Mona Egypt
Hammer Antony Canada
Hammond J. David USA
Harris Jennifer Canada
Hashmatullah Syed Canada
Haskell Lorraine Canada
Hassan Ahmed Canada
Heaslip Ashley Canada
Heidt Lisa Canada
Helmy Khaled Egypt
Herriot Ryan Canada
Hill Megan Canada
Hoang Vu Vietnam
Holowaty Melissa Canada
Hooley Peter Canada
Horvath Gary Canada
Hossack Karen Canada
Howard Jocelyn Canada
Hsu Helen Canada
Hunt Jason USA
Ickowicz Sarah Canada
Ignaszewski Martha Canada
Jankowski Theodore Canada
Jia Lingsa Canada
Jones Christina USA
Joshi Abhinav Canada
Judson Martyn Canada
Kamal Ahmed Egypt
Kandola Rajdeep Canada
Kason Deborah Canada
Kathiresan Preethy India
Kennedy Alex Canada
Kennedy Christine Canada
Kharrat Haitham Canada
Khalef Badea UK
Kinjo Tashi Canada
Klassen Sheri Canada
Klassen Vicki Canada
Knight Erin Canada
Koczapski Andrzej Canada
Kodsi Samar Aziz Egypt
Koehn John Canada
Koh Justin Jek-Kahn Canada
Kolawole Rotimi Canada
Korol Kristen Anne Canada
Kraft Claudia Canada
Krahn Spencer Canada
Lail Parabhdeep Canada
Lamba Wiplove Canada
Langheimer Verena Canada
Lanteigne Pier-Maude Canada
Latif Zahid Canada
Laureijs Pauweliena Canada
Lea Sarah Canada
Lee Lindy Canada
Leong Kawai Canada
Li Victor Wei Canada
Likharovich-Fournier Marc Canada
Lim Ron Canada
Lima Rosanna
Lines Katherine Canada
Lodhi Rohit Canada
Love Maia Canada
Ludlow Katherine Canada
Lukasiewicz Przemyslaw Poland
Lukose Shebu UK
Ma Evelyn Canada
MacBeath Lyn Canada
MacCauley Christine Canada
MacIsaac Julia Canada
MacKay Bob Canada
Maheshwari Oshin Canada
Mamdouh Rania Egypt
Manak Mandy Canada
Manamouram Mathews Canada
Mann Jaclyn Lee Canada
Mann Steven USA
Mannelli Paolo USA
Manning Lesley Canada
Marino Michael Canada
Mark Sarah Canada
Marlinga Jazmin Canada
Marsh David Canada
Martell David Canada
Mason D. Randal Canada
Mayes Camisha Canada
McCabe Alyson Canada
McCormick Michael USA
McCulloch Cara Canada
McDonald Patrick Canada
McEwen Heather Canada
McGhee Douglas Canada
McGovern Garrett Ireland
McLean Mark Canada
Mehaffey Katherine Canada
Mehta Gaurav Canada
Mejia Fernando Canada
Melamed Jennifer Canada
Miles Isabelle Canada
Mitchell Troy Canada
Modi Nikunjkumar USA
Mogus Tally Canada
Mohamed Wael Ibrahim Saudi Arabia
Molavi Armon Canada
Moolla Hasan Canada
Moran Wayne Hong Kong
Mosli Mohammed Canada
Munaf Tehmina Canada
Nachim Ilan Canada
Nam Hoang Thai Vietnam
Narasimha Venkata Lakshmi India
Nasser Ebtsam Egypt
Nawaz Shahzada Canada
Newman Adam Canada
Ng Jennifer Canada
Nguyen Nhu Vietnam
Nguyen Anne Chieu Hein Canada
Nikoo Mohammadali Canada
Notta Dania Canada
Nweke Zita Canada
Nystrom Annika Sweden
O'Connor Daniel Canada
O'Donnell Tiffany Canada
Ogunsina Olurotimi Canada
Oladele Oluseyi Canada
Omer Emad Ahmed Egypt
Orukpe Ivor Canada
Othman Hager Egypt
Oyemade Adegboyega USA
Pang Hannah Canada
Patel Vinit India
Pawluk Alicia Canada
Plant Elizabeth Canada
Pocock Jeffrey Canada
Poulin Ginette Canada
Pradhan Laxman Canada
Prasad C.M. India/USA
Radwan Doaa Egypt
Raissi Elma Sadaf Canada
Raje-Ghatge Nitin UK
Rakha Ihab Bahrain
Ramzy Emad Egypt
Reda Mohammed Egypt
Regenstreif Leonora Canada
Reinecke Marina Canada
Reiner Ethan Canada
Riley Mark Canada
Robertson Navid Canada
Roden Kelsey Canada
Rose Anne Canada
Rooke Edward Canada
Ryan Andrea Canada
Saber Ahmed Egypt
Sadek Gamal Canada
Said Ahmed Mohamed Egypt
Sajwani Hawraa UAE
Santerre Marsha Canada
Saveland Christine Canada
Scott Mark Canada
Shadid Mustafa Rafiq Saudi Arabia
Sidhu Gurpreet Canada
Simon Alfanso Jerry Antigua, WI
Singh Yesh Chandra India
Singh Jaswinder India
Squire Pam Canada
Stamm Holly Canada
Stewart-Patterson Chris Canada
Stone Sarah Canada
Stuart Chris Canada
Syed Mujahid Canada
Tanguay Robert Canada
Tanyous Manal Canada
Tay Wee Teck Joseph Brian Scotland UK
Tokucoglu Levent Turkey
Tranquilli Doherty Sarah Canada
Trepanier Benjamin Canada
Tyrfingsson Thorarinn Iceland
Uyeda Linda Canada
Vella Anna Maria Malta
Vezina Lydia Canada
Viljoen Mark Canada
Vijayaratnam Niranjan Canada
Walton Geoffrey Canada
Wang Jay Canada
Watts Arianna Canada
Wentzel Jessica Canada
Whyne Mitchell Canada
Wilson Wendy Canada
Winter Kyle Canada
Wiwcharuk Gillian Canada
Yamada Andrew Canada
Yau Steven Canada
Yu Alvis Canada
Zawar Noureen Canada
Zhabenko Olena Ukraine
Zhanel Michael Canada
Zobell Stryder Canada
Zouros Irene Canada