Date(s) - June 16, 2018 - June 20, 2018
12:00 am
Registration Information Registration Information
General Information General Information
Hotel Accommodations Hotel Accommodations
Government Rate / Looking for a Roommate Special Reservation Form
Registration Fee Schedule Registration Fee Schedule
Important Dates View Timelines/Deadlines
Program Committee Program Committee
Ancillary Meeting Proposals Satellites / Ancillary Meetings due ASAP but no later than May 1, 2018
The Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Study Group and most satellite meetings will be held on Saturday before the Opening Reception. Individuals or organizations interested in organizing a satellite meeting must submit a Satellite/Ancillary Meeting proposal.
Exhibitor’s (and Industry Sponsorship) Exhibitor’s Prospectus due by April 1, 2018
If you plan to exhibit at RSA 2018 click the link above for additional information and the submission form. For-profit Corporations (or foundations of for-profit corporations) are not permitted to sponsor any symposia, workshops or roundtables. They may rent exhibit space by submitting an Exhibitor’s Prospectus and are encouraged to make a donation to the Society.
Optional Student Luncheon, Post-Doc Dinner, Legislative Advocacy Workshop and Grantsmanship Workshop (formerly RSVPs) are now on the Registration Form. For details, please read ‘Registration Information’ above.
RSA Meeting Online Registration RSA REGISTRATION
FASDSG Meeting Online Registration FASDSG REGISTRATION
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder – Study Group FASDSG
14th Annual Mechanisms of Behavior Change: Transbehavioral Mechanisms and Processes of Change MOBC
10th Annual Charles Lieber Satellite: Alcohol, Cannabis Brain-Liver-Gut Link Lieber
Empirical Awakening: 25 Years of NIH Funded Research on Alcoholics Anonymous’ Effects, Cost-Effectiveness, and Mechanisms Empirical Awakening
Integrating Alcohol Use Disorder Care in the Management of Alcoholic Hepatitis Integrating AUD
Prevention and Treatment of Alcohol and Other Drug Problems for American Indians/Alaska Natives in the San Diego Region: Comprehensive Systems for Individuals, Families, and Communities – has been canceled.
RSA / CPDD / INRC JOINT SYMPOSIA: RSA will have symposia in conjunction with the College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) and the International Narcotics Research Conference (INRC), both are being held in San Diego at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel just before RSA. Anyone attending RSA, CPDD or INRC is welcome to attend the joint sessions. Additionally, if you are attending the CPDD or INRC conference before the RSA conference you can qualify for a 20% discount. Registrations will be audited for accuracy. See RSA’s registration form for details.
Translating the Molecular Underpinnings of Alcohol and Tobacco Interactions Towards Effective Treatment
Chair: Sherry McKee
Co-Chair: John A. Dani
Presenters: John A. Dani, Marissa Ehringer, Sherry McKee, Dieter Meyerhoff, David Lovinger
Date and Time: Friday, June 15th, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Pharmacogenetics of Addiction Treatment
Chair: Lara Ray
Co-Chair: Jermaine Jones
Presenters: Lara Ray, Daniel Roche, Jermaine Jones, Eric Otto Johnson, Jonathan Pollock
Date and Time: Friday, June 15th, 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Social Work Educational Luncheon – Sunday, June 17th SW Luncheon
TRSA – O’Neill Addiction Science Education Award Presentation
Wednesday, June 20th – “Rewriting Drinking Memories” by Ravi Das
Online Program Online Program (hand-held device capable, includes all abstracts)
Program Outline Program Outline
Poster Schedule (by Author) Poster Schedule
Poster Acceptance Letter (sample) Poster Acceptance Letter
Summary of Posters (by Category) Summary of Posters
On-site Poster Printing Discount – see ‘General Information’ above
Daily Program Schedule Daily Schedule
Roles & Responsibilities of Session Participants Roles & Responsibilities
Session / Speaker Timeframes Timeframes
RSA: “Funding for this conference was made possible (in part) by grant 2R13AA18227-10 from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention by trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.”