Date(s) - June 23, 2023
9:00 am - 6:30 pm
Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth
La médecine des addictions face aux défis des environnements traumatiques
En ce 23 juin 2023, l’ISAM, la Société Internationale de Médecine des Addictions organise son premier congrès Francophone. Cette initiative de l’ISAM reflète sa volonté affichée de s’inscrire dans l’inclusion, la diversité et le partenariat et d’être au plus proches des besoins réels des personnes, des communautés et des systèmes de santé. En choisissant Beyrouth, capitale meurtrie par des années de guerre, l’explosion tragique de son port, la crise migratoire issue de tragédies à ses frontières, et une des crises économiques les plus dévastatrices du monde, l’ISAM choisit d’être au cœur des défis posés par les environnements traumatiques.
Beyrouth, berceau de la francophonie levantine, est aussi un symbole de résilience, une ville riche de ses héritages culturels, une ville de fête et de joies. Elle pourrait porter au monde, avec la force de votre participation, un message universel de renouveau et de créativité. L’ISAM, ses partenaires internationaux et la faculté de médecine de l’Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, se réjouissent d’oser cet événement avec vous.
Addiction Medicine Facing the challenges of traumatic environmental conditions.
On June 23, 2023, ISAM, the International Society of Addiction Medicine, is organizing its first Francophone Meeting. This initiative reflects ISAM’s commitment to inclusion, diversity and partnership, and to being as close as possible to the real needs of people, communities and health systems.
By choosing Beirut, a city scarred by years of war, the tragic explosion of its port, the migration crisis resulting from tragedies at its borders, and one of the world’s most devastating economic crises, ISAM is choosing to be at the heart of the challenges posed by traumatic environments.
Beirut, the cradle of the Levantine Francophonie, is also a symbol of resilience, a city rich in cultural heritage, a city of celebration and joy. With the strength of your participation, it could bring to the world a universal message of renewal and creativity. ISAM, with its international partners and the Faculty of Medicine of the Saint-Joseph University of Beirut are delighted to dare to do this event with you.
Hybrid Format
- Sessions will be delivered face-to-face, or virtually
- Maximum session length is 1.5 hrs – usually 4 speakers
- The venue and audio visual facilities will be provided
- Sessions are held within the main conference program
- We encourage innovative ideas and formats
- Presentations will be in French
- A virtual Welcome from Prof. Alex Baldacchino, ISAM President
- The program will soon be available
- There will be 3 plenary presentations in the morning, 4 concurrent symposia sessions after lunch and a final plenary presentation in the afternoon.
Session chairs
- Goal: To ensure gender balance, geographic diversity and affected community representation where appropriate.
The Organizing Committee:
- Prof. Sami Richa,
- Prof. Ramzi Hadad,
- Prof. Yasser Khazaal
The Scientific Committee:
- Prof. Alexander Baldacchino
- Prof. Yasser Khazaal
- Prof. Sami Richa
- Prof. Ramzi Hadad
- Dr. Michael Bisch
- Prof. Fatima El Omari
- Prof. Lucia Romo
Registration for speakers, chairs and session organisers
- Registration table below for virtual and in person attendees. All attendees must register and carry their name badge the day of the meeting.
Fees |
Local in person | Virtual – Non-Local | In Person Non-Local | |||
Students | Other Attendees | Students | Other Attendees | Students | Other Attendees | |
Free* | Free* | $80 US | $100 US | $100 US | $150 US |
* Must register through
Bookings are closed for this event.